Roofs are durable structures, but they are also
the building components that are the most exposed to the raging elements, such
as the high winds, the heavy rain and the hail associated with storms. If you
are a responsible homeowner, looking for ways to strengthen your roof, here are
the types of extreme weather events that are most likely to cause damage to
your roof and that your roof needs to be prepared for:
High winds – storms that are associated
with extremely fast winds are becoming increasingly frequent, requiring
property owners to pay special attention to properly fastening the components
on their roofs. Whatever type of roofing system you have on your building,
loose roof covering components can be easily torn off by fast-moving winds,
leaving your home interior exposed and susceptible to water damage;
Hail – some roof types, such
as metal are more sensitive to the denting and cracking caused by hail, but all
types of roofs are vulnerable to the ice balls falling from the sky;
Rain – solid, well-installed
roofs are rarely damaged by water alone, but if the roof already has some weak
points, such as damaged shingles, missing or broken tiles or clogged gutters,
the water coming from above can quickly aggravate such pre-existent issues. Hire Barrington roofers to prepare your roof against such damage.