Thursday, January 7, 2021

Tips For Cleaning Your Roof In The Winter


tips roofing contractors snow removal roof blue sky

The activity of removing snow from roofs is one that we must carry out for a short period of time, in the cold season, when snow and low temperatures can cause heavy snowfalls or ice formation, which are potentially dangerous for any type of roof.

Snow removal by Barrington roofing contractors is important to protect the structure of the roof, but also of the entire house. In winter, it happens a phenomenon called “ice dam” that retains moisture on the roof. If too much water and snow accumulates on the roof, it will leak into the house or damage the roof cover and gutters. In addition, icicles hanging from the edge of the roof are potentially dangerous to your safety. The temperature can vary, so you cannot predict when one will break and fall, or when a large quantity of snow will slip down the roof at once.

Here are some tips for cleaning your roof:

·       Use a plastic shovel with an extendable handle - this will help you remove the snow without damaging the tiles, and by changing the length of the handle you will be able to clean even hard to reach roof areas.

·       Make a path around the house, so that it is easy for you to move and have easy access to the roof

·       Remove the snow from the edges of the roof and then advance toward the center; break small pieces and push them to your side, so as not to injure yourself

·       Do not attempt to take all the snow down; it is quite safe to lave 2-3 centimeters on the roof; thus, you do not risk breaking the tiles with your shovel