Thursday, December 31, 2020

Can I Have My Roof Repaired Versus Replaced?


roof repair replacement

Roof repair is surely a more affordable way to save your roof, but it is not always possible – in some cases, the best option to restore the safety and comfort of your home is to get a new roof. Here are some clues that indicate the necessity to replace your roof:

-          Repeated leaks – if you hardly fix one roof leak before the next one appears, it means that either the covering layer or the structure of your roof is severely affected. The best way to address the problem is by calling a qualified contractor to assess the condition of your roof and by preparing for the replacement of the damaged roof;

-          Severe sagging – a roof ridge or a roof slope that is no longer straight is a sure sign of a severe roof problem for which the only solution might be replacement;

-          Your roof is very old – each type of roofing material has a different lifespan. If the material that your roof is made from is approaching the end of the warranty period, it is time to start preparing for the roof replacement with, even if your roof does not seem to be suffering from very serious issues yet.