Thursday, January 21, 2021

Should I Get A Free Roof Inspection Before Calling Insurance?


What should I do roofing inspection call insurance first

If your roof gets damaged, probably your first impulse is to call your insurance company. However, the best thing is to call an experienced roofer first, to examine your roof. This will bring you much better results in the long run.

You must be aware that insurance adjusters are not exactly roofing experts. Surely they are trained and experienced in assessing roof damage, but the truth is they cannot guarantee an accurate inspection. That`s why you need a specialist first.

Roofing experts look for more than surface damage; they identify all the damage, evaluate the overall condition of the roof and indicate what needs to be done to restore it. This Crystal Lake roofing inspection will be accompanied with a detailed report that you can use to make your insurance claim and prove the damage. Just make sure you hire a licensed roofing specialist, otherwise the report may have no value.

Another benefit of calling a professional roofer before calling your insurer is that many roofing companies are willing to help you in the process of filing your claim. They come up with their estimate and negotiate the settlement, which is very helpful considering that making an insurance claim is an intimidating process for many people.