Thursday, January 28, 2021

Are Roof Inspections Really Free?


Roof estimate free

Some roofing companies provide free inspections, as a way to attract customers. If you are dealing with a pro, these inspections are really free and you can expect them to be accurate and followed by a detailed report on the overall condition of your roof and the issues that need immediate attention.

However, even if the inspection is free, you should be prepared for other potential costs, based on what it reveals. Any roof vulnerability or damage must be fixed promptly, no matter how insignificant it may look like, or it will get worse quickly and increase the repairing costs.

It is also good to know that you have no obligation for receiving a free inspection from Barrington roofers; you are not required to hire that company, unless you want it.

On the other hand, you must be careful about the company you allow to inspect your roof. There are scams out there that look for an opportunity to make money – no matter how. These so-called roofing companies will show up at your door after a ravaging storm (a professional roofer never does that!), offering you a free inspection of your roof. Such an opportunity may sound great, especially if you are in a vulnerable situation, with your roof damaged, but it is a big mistake to allow such people to come close to your roof. It is not uncommon that roofing scams provide very low services, disappear with your money or even invent/ create damage, to convince you to hire them.

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