Monday, December 14, 2020

4 Tips to Decorate Your Roof for The Holiday


Merry Christmas Hanging Lights Roofing Company Help

Holiday roof decorations are as much part of the celebration as carol singing or traditional dishes. To make the most of your decorations, you need to ensure that they are both safe and attractive and you also need to install them in a way that does not damage your roof – here are some tips about choosing and mounting them:

-          Use decorations that are suitable for outdoor usage – interior decorations cannot withstand outdoor conditions, such as harsh weather and high humidity, therefore you should decorate your roof only with items intended for being used outdoors;

-          Never attach your decorations to the shingles – punching holes into the roofing to attach decorations can cause leaks and other roof damage, therefore you should always fasten your decorations to the eaves or to the gutters;

-          Never install decorations close to power lines – whatever the material, the type and the size of your decorations, always maintain a safe distance between the decorations and the power lines over your building to avoid fires;

-          Connect your illuminated decorations to a safe power source – use a safe, portable power source for providing the electricity needed for your decorations and plug the lights only when you are at home and only for a few hours a day.  Better yet, hire roofing companies like Expert Roofing of Illinois to do the job safely.



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