Thursday, November 5, 2020

Should I Have Leaves Removed from My Roof?


roofers cleaning leaves from roof

Large trees are great to have in your landscape – they give shade on hot summer days and they are spectacular in fall as well as in winter, when they are covered in snow. However, tree leaves can cause lots of damage to roofs – the dried leaves that accumulate on the surface of your roof hold in the moisture from the air and from the rain, exposing the roof surface to permanent wetness, while the leaves that gather inside the gutter pipes can clog the pipes, reducing their efficiency and weakening the entire roof structure. Fortunately, the solution to the problem is quite easy: remove the leaves and the debris that gathers on the roof and inside the gutters every six months, once in spring and once in fall.  Better yet get on the Barrington roofers schedule and have them do it for you.

You can choose from several leaf removal methods: you can use a blower to blow off roof debris, you can use a broom on a long stick to sweep the roof and scraper to clean the gutters and the downspouts or you can use a power washer to ensure proper cleanliness. It is also a good idea to inspect the roof surface and the gutters after each strong storm – the high winds associated with extreme weather can deposit large quantities of leaves and other debris in a very short time, so you might need to include short roof cleaning sessions between the scheduled, semi-annual cleaning sessions.

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