Friday, May 8, 2020

How To Spot A Roof Leak

Roofers Finding And Repairing Roof Leak
Some roof leaks are easy to spot, especially if the source is a missing or visibly damaged roof covering element, such as broken tile or a missing shingle, while others are more difficult to detect. If your roof has developed a leak, here are some tips about how to find the source:

-          Look in the attic – some leaks are not large enough to be visible from the ground and might be hard to find even standing on the roof surface, but you will surely find the traces left by the water in the attic. Look for droplets of water or dampness in the attic space – the leak is likely to come from the roof area directly above the excess moisture;

-          Check problem areas – if you can’t find any sign in the attic, check the problem areas – the ridge cap, the flashing around the openings on the roof, the roof valleys, the gutters and the downspouts are weak points on any roof. To check these areas, you will need to climb up on the roof – be very careful and anchor yourself using the right type of fall arrest system, there is no way to know whether the roof is still strong enough to hold your weight.  Hiring the services of professional Algonquin roofers is always an option too.