Friday, April 5, 2019

How to Cope with Hail Storms in Illinois

Hail Resistant Roofing Materials
Illinois is among the US areas that get the most frequently affected by hail storms, therefore local building owners and building management companies should make special efforts to ensure that their buildings are able to stand up to even the harshest of storms as well as to the largest of hail stones. Fortunately, there are lots of building solutions available today that builders and owners can turn to – here are some:

-          Hail resistant roofing materials – the building component that is the most exposed to the elements is certainly the roof. Standard roofing materials can be easily damaged by large hail stones, that’s why it is a good idea to use hail resistant shingles, according to Barrington roofers onIllinois roofs. These special materials undergo extensive impact testing before they are sold and they are also more resistant to water damage;

-          Hail resistant shutters – windows are also sensitive to impact, but they can be efficiently protected against hail stones with the help of shutters made from special, impact-resistant materials;

-          Prevention measures – intact, healthy roofs can stand up to even the harshest hail storm and so do healthy trees. Homeowners in hail-prone areas should regularly inspect their roofs to identify faults while they are still easy to repair and they should also pay increased attention to regularly trimming the large trees in their yard or garden to prevent the damage and the accidents that can be caused by tree limbs torn off by strong winds.