Thursday, March 21, 2019

How Can Hail Damage A Roof?

Hail Can Damage Your Roof
Hail is a solid precipitation that falls from Cumulonimbus clouds. Hailstones are spherical, conical or irregular in appearance and consist of a nucleus and several layers of ice. The size of the fragments varies, and can reach up to large dimensions that make them very dangerous.
However, regardless its size, hail can cause major damage to the roofs on any type of buildings. Large hail stones can break tiles while smaller stones can block gutters and downspouts, which may also lead to water leaks. Hail is even more dangerous for a roof as it is accompanied by strong wind, the duration of the phenomenon is higher, and so is the density of the hail stones.
In case of extensive hail damage, even a roof with a 50-year warranty may only last another 5 to 10 years after the damage has been done. The worst part is that owners may not even know they have a problem. That`s because many people still neglect performing regular maintenance to their roofs and hail damage does not typically cause water leaks right away. In most of the cases, hail will only create some small divots in the shingles, but still deserves a visit from Algonquin roofing contractors to evaluate the needed repairs. However, these divots will become vulnerable areas, as protective granules will be knocked away by the impact, which will greatly increase the natural erosion of the roofing material.