Friday, January 11, 2019

Tips for Keeping Up with Winter Home Maintenance

Home maintenance is an ongoing activity, with specific chores for each season. If you have worked hard in fall to prepare your home for the winter, here is how to take care of your property in the coldest season of the year:
-        Check the basement and the attic – these two spaces are probably the most sensitive to freezing temperatures, the attic because it is right underneath the roof and the first space where leaks can be detected, the basement because that is where all the pipes run and pipe damage can be detected. Check both areas regularly and increase the frequency of the inspections if the weather outside becomes very cold or very snowy;
-        Remove snow from your yard, your patio, your deck and clean the street in front of the house as well – think of snow shoveling as the greatest cardio exercise you can do in winter and enjoy the clean landscape when you are done;
-        Make sure all your rooms are heated – you don’t need high temperatures in the spaces that you don’t live in, but you need some heating in every room to prevent frozen pipes and other damage caused by low temperatures;
-        Remove excessive amounts of snow from the gutters and the roof – you need to relieve your roof and tour gutters of as much stress and weight as possible, so grab a roof rake and remove the snow from the areas that you can reach, or have experts at roofing Crystal Lake homes do the job for you, if it is a lot of snow.