Friday, December 7, 2018

What to Know About Roof Repairs in December

Winter Roof Repair Guidelines
Roofing problems can appear any time of the year, not only when the weather outside is nice (as a matter of fact, roofing issues are rarely detected when the weather is fair). Fortunately, repairs can also be done the year around, even in December, provided that the weather is not too cold – here are a few things that you should know about roof repair processes carried out in winter:
-        The roof’s reaction to low temperatures – the flexibility of some common roofing materials, such as tiles and metal, is not very much affected by cold weather, but asphalt shingles cannot be handled when the temperature outside drops under 40 degrees and rubber roofs should not be installed when it is very cold outside because they are fixed with adhesives that will freeze and not bond in extreme cold;
-        Lower roofing fees – for most roofing contractors, spring and summer is the peak period, so in winter they are not very busy and many of them work for lower rates during the cold months;
-        Your roofer will prioritize the issues detected on your roof – while roofing emergencies, such as leaks need to be addressed instantly, no matter how cold it is outside, less serious problems can wait until spring. Experienced Barrington roofing contractors know exactly which roofing issues need immediate action, so they will probably recommend you to get those ones fixed and leave the rest for later.