Thursday, May 13, 2021

Does Walking on My Roof Damage the Shingles?


work on roof roofers safety tools lines

Walking on a roof can be dangerous for the person moving around on the roof as well as for the roof itself, especially in the case of shingle roof, usually not designed to be walked on. For Barrington roofers it is more safe as they know where not to step and also have safety equipment and training.  Here is why foot traffic is harmful for shingle roofs:

-          Removed surface granules – the topmost layer of asphalt shingles is composed of small mineral granules that fulfil the role of weatherproofing the shingles. Foot traffic can easily dislodge those granules, leaving the mat that makes up the core of the shingle exposed and vulnerable, increasing the risk of leaks;

-          The appearance of cracks on the surface – the pressure caused by walking can lead to the development of tiny cracks in the roof surface. Rainwater or melted snow can enlarge these tiny cracks unnoticeably, the process leading to roof leaks over time;

-          Cracks in the support structure – shingle roofs are made to stand up to a lot, but the pressure that can damage the roof surface can also cause harm to the support structure of the roof, such as the decking, the rafters and the beams. Damage sustained by these components compromises the structural stability of the roof, leading to leaks or, in more severe cases, to roof sagging.