Friday, December 4, 2020

Tips to Protect Your Roof from Wind


Wind Damage Roof

Storms can damage your roof in many ways, the high winds associated with the extreme events being among the most harmful phenomena associated. If you live in a storm-prone area and you are concerned about the safety of your roof, here are a few methods to make your roof more resistant to high winds:

-          For proper roof repair Algonquin steps check the roof for loose components and ensure proper fastening on the entire roof surface – you need to check the roof meticulously, shingle by shingle, nail by nail, and to correct any improper fastening and adhesion;

-          Trim the trees above the roof – strong winds can tear off tree limbs and can cause damage by dropping those limbs on the roof. If you have large trees with branches overhanging your roof, check them branch by branch and cut off any limb or branch that reaches above your roof, whether the branch seems weakened or not;

-          Inspect the roof from the inside as well – checking the roof structure from the attic area is also important. Take a close look at the sheathing and at the other components visible from the attic and make sure that all the components are intact, dry and securely fastened. Whatever issue you notice, fix it right away or hire a roofer to perform the necessary repairs before the next storm.