Tuesday, September 18, 2018

What’s the Difference Between Asphalt Shingles and Composite Shingle Roofing?

Asphalt Roofing Shingles
Asphalt shingles have long been regarded as some of the most popular types of roofing in the US and in many other places all around the world. The great thing about asphalt shingles is that they’re cheap and easy to install. Also you don’t need an expert to perform some quick fixes on your asphalt shingle roof, and there are a lot of online guides and articles about patching it up without expert help.

Now, if you have a little extra money but you’re not ready for that luxury metal or slate roof that you wanted, then a good compromise would be to opt for a composite shingle roof. What are composite shingles? The easiest way to describe them is that they’re an upgraded version of asphalt shingles.

Composite shingles are designed using asphalt and other add-on materials. They are prepared using advanced manufacturing methods, and are considered widely superior to regular asphalt roofs. The result is that composite shingle roofing can outlast asphalt shingle roofing by one or two decades, and that they’re also more robust, while requiring less maintenance.

Without spending a lot of money you can get the roof you want while making sure it looks great and lasts for many decades to come. All you have to do is contact your local Crystal Lake roofing experts and inquire about their prices and offers on composite shingle roofing.