Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Importance of Summer Roof Inspections

Annual Roof Inspections
Roofs should be inspected regularly, at least once a year, and summer is a good time for this  operation, especially after a storm or other extreme weather phenomenon. Any defects in the coating will be repaired immediately to ensure a maximum life of the roof.

The annual inspection shall include the following procedures:

1. Visual inspection

A visual inspection is only the first step and can be done by any homeowner, without climbing the roof. Practically, the roof surface must be carefully observed and obvious problems (if any) identified.

2. Detailed inspection

Preferably, it should be done by specialized Algonquinroofing contractors, experienced in using the right equipment to climb the roof and detect less obvious problems. 

Any sign of water leaks, degradation or corrosion must be fixed as soon as possible. Damaged shingles, joints or fastenings should be replaced immediately. The drainage system must be freed of debris.

The roof`s protection layer (paint) must also be checked. Corroded edges, uneven or faded color, exfoliation, cracks or scratches are signs that the protective layer needs to be repaired.

Last but not least, the roof must be cleaned, now and then, because debris and moss keeps humidity on the surface of the roof, causing corrosion. On the other hand, a dirty roof is also unsightly. Its surface should be washed with a soft brush and pressurized water (<100 bar). Persistent dirt can be removed using a washing agent friendly with the roof paint.