Friday, June 25, 2021

How to Choose Between Different Roofing Contractors


How To Choose Roofing Contractors Differences To Look For

Hiring the right roofing contractor is essential for the success of your roofing project – whether you need roof maintenance, roof repair or roof replacement, the knowledge, the experience and the attitude of your roofer will determine the quality of your roof as well as the time needed for completing the project. Here are some tips about how to find the right roofer:

-          Credentials – roofers need to carry a state-issued license and the mandatory insurance policies to be able to provide roofing services legally, so those documents should be the first thing to check when you meet a potential roofer to hire;

-          Longevity – roofing is a highly competitive field, so a roofer who has been in the business for a long time is surely a contractor who is reliable and knowledgeable;

-          Previous work – good roofers usually have portfolios with images of their previous work and references that can be checked. Before you pick the roofer to hire, ask each potential contractor to provide such references and also take the time to check the references before the final decision;

-          Rates – each of the Algonquin roofing contractors workfor different rates

and includes a different range of services into their process. Ideally, you should collect three or four cost estimates from different roofers and you should compare them in terms of the services, the materials, the warranties and the deadlines included.

Thursday, May 27, 2021

Should I Have My Roof Repaired or Just Replaced


If you have a damaged roof, you are faced with a very tough decision: to repair your roof or to get it removed and replaced altogether. Here are some things that you should know about to make the correct decision:

-          The severity of the damage – if the damage on your roof is only minor, such as a few displaced or damaged shingles or some cracks in the flashing, repair is the best and most affordable course of action. If the damage is extended to affect over half of the roof surface or if it affects the support structure of the roof, replacement is a better option and potentially the only way to maintain the structural integrity of the roof;

-          Your budget – repair is obviously much cheaper than replacement. However, if replacement is the best method to restore the safety and comfort of your home, you should not resort to roof patching – many roofers offer payment plans with favorable conditions or you can choose to finance the overhaul from a home equity loan or from a mortgage;

-          The age of the roof – if your roof is only a couple of years old, it can probably be repaired even if the problem seems severe at first sight. However, if your roof is approaching the end of the lifespan for which it is warranted, replacement is probably something that you should start planning for.  Expert Roofing can help repair or replace your roof to keep it in great condition.

Thursday, May 20, 2021

3 Tips for Spring Cleaning Your Roof


roof cleaning spring time roofers experience

The arrival of spring is usually the time when homeowners start evaluating how their property has fared during the cold months and also the time for cleaning inside and outside the home. The process should involve the assessment of the roof as well – here are some tips for spring roof cleaning:

-          Remove the debris – the winter months leave behind lots of debris, such as dried leaves, twigs, feathers and grime that all need to be removed from the roof. Grab a broom on a long stick, climb up to the roof edge and start the debris removal at the roof ridge, moving systematically toward the gutters. When the roof surface is free from any dirt, use a scraper to clean the gutter pipes, too;

-          Check the roof for algae and mildew – infestations with algae and fungi are unsightly and harmful for your roof, so you need to remove them, too. You can use a specialized chemical or a simple mixture of bleach and water – both options are very efficient;

-          Check for damage – when the roof surface and the gutters are clean, it is time for a detailed inspection. Look for cracks, dents, displaced and missing components, missing shingle granules and cracks, dents and rust in the gutters, then prepare a repair plan. As with any roofing project getting Algonquin roofers to do the job safely is recommended, rather than climbing up on your roof with no experience.